
In the heart of the Pearl of the Alps

GPS coordinates

The location of our house using GPS coordinates in degrees | minutes | second or as a decimal value.

latitude : 46° 6′ 25” | 46.10692412
longitude : 7° 55′ 20” | 7.92222887


train traveller

travel via Brig or Visp and change to the postbus with direct destination Saas-Fee. There are hourly connections until 8:15 p.m. from Brig and 8:29 p.m. from Visp. Hand in your luggage at the train station counter at home and pick it up again at the post bus station in Saas-Fee.

Train and bus connections:
– Deutsche Bahn


from the north travel via Bern via the Lötschberg (car transport), from the east and south via the Furka or Simplon. From western Switzerland you can reach Saas-Fee via Lausanne, along the beautiful Rhone Valley to Visp.

The “Pearl of the Alps” begins where the highway ends.

journey kilometers:

– off Basel 210 km
– off Bern 112 km
– off Brig 38 km
– off Genf 234 km
– off Zürich 246 km
– off Mailand 250 km
– off Frankfurt 550 km
– off München 650 km
– off Strassbourg 320 km
– off Amsterdam 980 km



Thanks to its good wines, Valais is also called the Nappa Valley of Switzerland. So it is our great pleasure to serve you the right wine for your meal. Our offer ranges from our own family winery in Gampel to fine wines from the well-known wine village of Salgesch.
